Wolfgang Paul

Attorney at Law


With more than 20 years of experience in business enterprises, Wolfgang Paul has a high level of interdisciplinary expertise – not only in corporate, banking and capital market law, but also in commercial, competition and trademark law; he is also the man when it comes to the legal arrangement of large-scale projects, because he keeps the big picture in view. In the process, Paul analyses the various legal and economic framework conditions. The results flow directly into existing or new concepts to be conceived in close consultation with the client. His own personal approach: solutions should always be implementable, streamlined and economically sensible.

Career path

  • 2019 Appointment as a specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
  • Since January 1, 2017 Attorney at law nbs partners
  • 2000 to 2016 In-house lawyer and general counsel at a Hamburg financial services, shipping and cruise industry company
  • 1995-2000 In-house lawyer in the market-leading food industry group in Hamburg
  • 1993-1995 Lawyer, southern Germany
  • 1993 Second state examination in law after completing legal clerkship in Hesse
  • 1990 First state examination in law after completing law degree at Philipps University, Marburg/Lahn

Key activities

  • Legal advice and structuring, including capital measures and reorganisation
  • Legal structuring of investment funds, including closed-end funds
  • Advice on regulatory requirements, including implementation of licensing procedures in the banking and financial services sector (German Investment Code [KAGB] and German Banking Act [KWG])
  • Conduct of competition and trademark disputes


  • Rechtsschutz bei geldwäscherechtlicher Verdachtsmeldung (NJW 2022, 1769)
  • Die geldwäscherechtliche Verantwortlichkeit bei Freiberuflern und anderen Berufsträgern (GWR 2021, 91)
  • GWGMeldV-Immobilien und Verdachtsmeldung (Berliner Anwaltsblatt 2021, 276)
  • Author of the Commentary on the Capital Investment Code, by Weitnauer/Boxberger/Anders, published by C.H. Beck-Verlag, (ISBN 978 3 406 64961 5), in which he comments on the regulations for closed-end limited investment partnerships (section149 et seq) and the selling of AIF (section 293 et seq) including prospectus liability, on transitional provisions for closed-end old funds (esp. sections 343, 353), and from the second edition, on product regulations for closed-end domestic mutual AIF (261 et seq).
  • In addition, Mr. Paul has published a large number of specialist articles, including the following in the areas of corporate and capital market law in the past few years:
    • Sanieren oder Ausscheiden (Teil 2) [Rehabilitate or Exit – Part 2] – Aufsichts- und Kapitalanlagerechtliche Problemfelder – Problematic Areas in Supervisory and Capital Investment Legislation (GWR 2015, 463)
    • Sanieren oder Ausscheiden (Teil 1) [Rehabilitate or Exit – Part 1] – Grundlagen- und Anwendungsprobleme bei geschlossenen Fonds – Basic and Application Problems in Closed-end Funds (GWR 2015, 419)
    • Die datenschutzrechtliche Umsetzung der zivilrechtlichen Auskunftsansprüche in der Publikums-KG – Data Protection and the Right to Information under Civil Law in a Limited Partnership with a Wide Range of Limited Partners (GWR 2011, 225)
  • Kommanditistenhaftung im Rahmen der Sanierung von Schifffahrtsgesellschaften – Liability of Limited Partners in the Rehabilitation of Shipping Companies (DB 2010, 2153)
    • Aufklärungspflicht der Treuhandkommanditistin bei geschlossenen Fonds – Disclosure Duty of the Limited Partner in Closed-end Funds (GWR 2010, 63)

Memberships and commitments

  • Chairman of the Arbitration Board for the settlement of competition disputes at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

Service Lines

  • Legal
  • Legal Advice